Sweet Dreams Doula Service
Postpartum and Infant Care

Supporting new mothers and the family after the birth

Thank you for choosing Sweet Dreams Doula Service. We here at Sweet Dreams are dedicated to serving women and their families. Each client is unique, and we customize our service to fit your individual needs. It is our commitment to honor the relationship between mother, child and family, for a successful and speedy transition into motherhood.
A postpartum caretaker is known as a Doula, which derives from the ancient Greek term for "female server". In today’s terms it has taken on a more important meaning. The definition has broadened to encompass one who assists a mother and family with newborn care. Doula is the name given to a "mother’s helper". Here at Sweet Dreams, that’s just what we are. However we take it one step further by recognizing our clients varied needs and providing the comfort a family would require during a sensitive time.
It is important that you understand the purpose of a Doula. We provide Educational, emotional and physical support for new parents, with the mother being the primary focus. A "well cared for mother" is critically important for the well being of the baby and the family unit. Our primary purpose at Sweet Dreams is to deal with a mother's concerns and anxieties resulting from the birth of a newborn baby. We help make the transition into motherhood a smooth and positive one.
It is also important for us to recognize postpartum symptoms and help our moms through any difficult emotional adjustments. Although Sweet Dreams is a non-medical service, we are trained and prepared to arrange medical attention immediately.
In today’s hospitals, postpartum care can be dramatically short or even neglected, due to the overwhelming volume of patients and insurance cutbacks. That is why Sweet Dreams is the solution to a growing need for postpartum care.